Saati Padukone es una mercader y contrabandista twi'lek de poca monta del Borde Exterior. Es joven e ingenua, llena de entusiasmo pero sin astucia comercial. En su carguero YT-1300 Luz de Ryloth normalmente transporta mercancías legales de poco margen de beneficio, aunque a veces se anima con contrabandos de bajo riesgo como licores o especias legales pero sin pasar por aduana, ropa de marca falsificada o componentes electrónicos no declarados. Ronda las cantinas y circuitos de contrabandistas, deseando oír historias y ser, algún día, una gran "empresaria" como Han Solo. A veces se mete en apuros, pero su leal compañera de viajes Sonja Vikander resuelve la situación... por las malas si hace falta.
En realidad, Saati es la hija menor de un noble de Ryloth. Servía en su casa como diplomática y asesora legal, pero una serie de eventos le hicieron perder la fe en los procedimientos civilizados: el asesinato de la diplomática Bollullos Mit en Coruscant, las amenazas e intentos de ocupación de su planeta natal, el abundante esclavismo y tráfico de hembras de su especie, convertidas en bailarinas forzosas, y tantas otras tropelías del Imperio y el mundo criminal. Por ejemplo, el destino de Oola... su hermana mayor.
Saati abandonó su casa y sirvió como consejera a Cham Syndulla mientras aprendía lo básico sobre guerra, "terrorismo" y sabotaje. Su hija Hera Syndulla es un gran referente para Saati. Su nave, modificada en especial para huir de los problemas y transportar y ocultar pasajeros, vuela ahora de planeta en planeta con un objetivo: rescatar mujeres de cualquier especie que estén prisioneras y obligadas a actuar, y devolverlas a sus hogares.
La twi'lek no es una gran piloto y no sabe pelear. Su apariencia simple y manipulable y su inteligencia oculta son sus armas. Su escolta, Sonja, es una agente de la Alianza Rebelde a las órdenes del Capitán Cassian Andor. Sonja entrena a Saati en habilidades bélicas, y Saati permite a Sonja entrar en los círculos criminales sin levantar sospechas, reuniendo información, datos y secretos que ayuden a la causa rebelde.
Saati Padukone is an irrelevant merchant and smuggler twi'lek of the Outer Rim. She is young and naive, full of enthusiasm but without commercial cunning. On her YT-1300 light freight, Ryloth's Light, normally carries low-margin legal goods, although sometimes she goes with low-risk contraband such as liqueurs or legal spices but without passing through customs, counterfeit brand clothing or undeclared electronic components. She round the canteens and circuits of smugglers, wanting to hear stories and to be, someday, a great "businesswoman" like Han Solo. Sometimes she gets into trouble, but her loyal travel companion Sonja Vikander resolves the situation ... badly if needed.
In fact, Saati is the youngest daughter of a nobleman of Ryloth. Served at home as a diplomat and legal adviser, but a chain of events made her to lose faith in civilized procedures - the murder of diplomat Bollullos Mit in Coruscant, threats and attempts to occupy his home planet, abundant slavery and traffick of female Twi'leks, converted into forced dancers, and many other outrages of the Empire and the criminal world. For example, the fate of Oola ... his older sister.
Saati left home and served as a counselor to Cham Syndulla while learning the basics of war, "terrorism" and sabotage. Her daughter Hera Syndulla is a great reference for Saati. His ship, specially modified to escape from problems and transport and hide passengers, now flies from planet to planet with a goal: to rescue women of any kind who are imprisoned and forced to act, and to return them to their homes.
The Twi'lek is not a great pilot and does not know how to fight. His simple and manipulable appearance and hidden intelligence are their weapons. His escort, Sonja, is an agent of the Rebel Alliance under the orders of Captain Cassian Andor. Sonja trains Saati in war skills, and Saati allows Sonja to enter criminal circles without raising suspicions, gathering information, data and secrets that help the rebel cause.
En realidad, Saati es la hija menor de un noble de Ryloth. Servía en su casa como diplomática y asesora legal, pero una serie de eventos le hicieron perder la fe en los procedimientos civilizados: el asesinato de la diplomática Bollullos Mit en Coruscant, las amenazas e intentos de ocupación de su planeta natal, el abundante esclavismo y tráfico de hembras de su especie, convertidas en bailarinas forzosas, y tantas otras tropelías del Imperio y el mundo criminal. Por ejemplo, el destino de Oola... su hermana mayor.
Saati abandonó su casa y sirvió como consejera a Cham Syndulla mientras aprendía lo básico sobre guerra, "terrorismo" y sabotaje. Su hija Hera Syndulla es un gran referente para Saati. Su nave, modificada en especial para huir de los problemas y transportar y ocultar pasajeros, vuela ahora de planeta en planeta con un objetivo: rescatar mujeres de cualquier especie que estén prisioneras y obligadas a actuar, y devolverlas a sus hogares.
La twi'lek no es una gran piloto y no sabe pelear. Su apariencia simple y manipulable y su inteligencia oculta son sus armas. Su escolta, Sonja, es una agente de la Alianza Rebelde a las órdenes del Capitán Cassian Andor. Sonja entrena a Saati en habilidades bélicas, y Saati permite a Sonja entrar en los círculos criminales sin levantar sospechas, reuniendo información, datos y secretos que ayuden a la causa rebelde.
Mi intento de pintar los motores fue un fracaso miserable, así que hice trampas. El brillo en el casco sí es pintado. I miserably failed at painting the engine, so I used cheats. Glow on the hull is paint. |
Saati Padukone is an irrelevant merchant and smuggler twi'lek of the Outer Rim. She is young and naive, full of enthusiasm but without commercial cunning. On her YT-1300 light freight, Ryloth's Light, normally carries low-margin legal goods, although sometimes she goes with low-risk contraband such as liqueurs or legal spices but without passing through customs, counterfeit brand clothing or undeclared electronic components. She round the canteens and circuits of smugglers, wanting to hear stories and to be, someday, a great "businesswoman" like Han Solo. Sometimes she gets into trouble, but her loyal travel companion Sonja Vikander resolves the situation ... badly if needed.
In fact, Saati is the youngest daughter of a nobleman of Ryloth. Served at home as a diplomat and legal adviser, but a chain of events made her to lose faith in civilized procedures - the murder of diplomat Bollullos Mit in Coruscant, threats and attempts to occupy his home planet, abundant slavery and traffick of female Twi'leks, converted into forced dancers, and many other outrages of the Empire and the criminal world. For example, the fate of Oola ... his older sister.
Saati left home and served as a counselor to Cham Syndulla while learning the basics of war, "terrorism" and sabotage. Her daughter Hera Syndulla is a great reference for Saati. His ship, specially modified to escape from problems and transport and hide passengers, now flies from planet to planet with a goal: to rescue women of any kind who are imprisoned and forced to act, and to return them to their homes.
The Twi'lek is not a great pilot and does not know how to fight. His simple and manipulable appearance and hidden intelligence are their weapons. His escort, Sonja, is an agent of the Rebel Alliance under the orders of Captain Cassian Andor. Sonja trains Saati in war skills, and Saati allows Sonja to enter criminal circles without raising suspicions, gathering information, data and secrets that help the rebel cause.
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When you have at least one enemy Target Lock token on your ship, your Agility increases by 1. |
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When you perform a SLAM Action, you get an Evasion token. |
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Your action bar loses Target Lock and gain Evade and SLAM. |